Payment With USD

Stable Coins

Stable coins, such as USDC (Circle), USDT (Tether), or BUSD (Binance and Paxos), represent a unique category of cryptocurrencies (tokens) that maintain a stable value by being pegged to a traditional currency, most commonly the US Dollar (USD). Simply put:

  • 1 USDC (or any stable coin) is roughly equivalent to 1 USD

Key Characteristics of Stable Coins:

  • Value Stability: Stable coins are designed to have a consistent value, providing a stable medium of exchange in the often volatile crypto market.
  • Asset-Backed: They are typically backed by USD or equivalent assets, such as US treasury bonds, ensuring their stability.

Choosing a Stable Coin:

The selection of a stable coin for use is contingent upon your personal use and assessment of each option. While all stable coins aim to maintain a stable value, the mechanisms and assets backing them may vary, but shouldn't affect the overall flow or result.

Create a Charge

Below, we will demonstrate how to utilize USDC on the Polygon Chain:

USDC Token Address on Polygon: 0x2791Bca1f2de4661ED88A30C99A7a9449Aa84174

To create a charge for 10 USD:

import { sphereoneSdk } from "./your-implementation-file";
import { SupportedChains } from "websdk";

// ...
const [chargeId, setChargeId] = useState("");
const [paymentLink, setPaymentLink] = useState("");

const {chargeId} = await WebSDK.createCharge({
  chargeData: {
    symbol: "USDC",
    chain: SupportedChains.POLYGON,
    successUrl: "",
    cancelUrl: "",
    tokenAddress: "0x2791Bca1f2de4661ED88A30C99A7a9449Aa84174",
    items: [
        name: "USDC",
        amount: 10,
        quantity: 1,
using SphereOne;

// ...

var chargeItems = new List<ChargeItem>
  new ChargeItem
      name = "Your Item",
      image = "",
      amount = 10.0,
      quantity = 1,

var chargeRequest = new ChargeReqBody
    chain = SupportedChains.SOLANA,
    symbol = "POLYGON",
    amount = 10.0,
    tokenAddress = "0x2791Bca1f2de4661ED88A30C99A7a9449Aa84174",
    items = chargeItems,
    successUrl = "",
    cancelUrl = "",

var isTest = false;
var charge = await SphereOneManager.Instance.CreateCharge(chargeRequest, isTest);

if (charge == null) {
  // Handle the error


From here, we can call payCharge by passing in the chargeId that we receive from createCharge to begin our process.

// importing the initialized WebSDK
import { sphereoneSdk } from "your-implementation-file";
import { SupportedChains } from "websdk";

// ...
// these are from previous section from:
const [chargeId, setChargeId] = useState("");
const [paymentLink, setPaymentLink] = useState("");

// ... createCharge example ...

const pay = async () => {
  try {
    await sphereoneSdk.payCharge(chargeId);
  } catch (e: any) {